Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Scrapbooking retreat in SE Qld

What a great spot for a retreat
check out all the details here


3 DAY OPTION - $395.00

2 DAY OPTION - $305.00

This weekend was a huge success last year. We have the use of a lovely new recreation hall. Lots of room for all of your craft totes and items and the lovely ladies from the Kilcoy RSL Ladies Auxiliary will be spoiling us with their country cooking for all of our meals again. Accommodation is diagonally across the road at the local motel - very comfortable and well appointed rooms making your stay even more enjoyable.

The cost of the weekend includes shared motel accommodation, all meals from Friday dinner to Monday lunch (Sunday afternoon tea for 2-day participants), class & full kit, very generous goodie bag including 2 challenge packs, demos, workshops and lots of time to scrap, not to mention heaps of fun and lots of friendships to be made. Prizes and giveaways top the weekend off!

1 comment:

Eila Sandberg said...

My goodness Lindy that's scrappy heaven! had to check out the piccie down there at the bottom left and behold I recognized almost all of you. Is that Jules the Bling Princess on the far right? Mwah!

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